The storehouse that never closed is Te Whanga.

Nau mai, Haere mai.

The Ahuriri Hapū Claims Settlement Act 2021 and Deed of Settlement established a new joint committee called Te Komiti Muriwai o te Whanga (Te Komiti). Te Komiti has representatives from Mana Ahuriri, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and the Department of Conservation.

The purpose of Te Komiti is to promote the protection and enhancement of the environmental, economic, social, spiritual, historical and cultural values of Te Muriwai o te Whanga for present and future generations.

Te Komiti has many functions, including establishing a vision for Te Muriwai o te Whanga; promoting understanding of and advocating for Te Muriwai o te Whanga; monitoring and reporting on the health of Te Muriwai o te Whanga; working alongside stakeholders; and seeking funding opportunities to support the health and wellbeing of Te Muriwai o te Whanga.

In the early establishment of Te Komiti, the primary focus is on the preparation of Te Muriwai o te Whanga Plan. Whilst an official vision, objectives and desired outcomes have not yet been finalised, it is clear from early korero that Te Komiti are fixed on a future that sees the restoration of the mauri of Te Whanga, and a return to the days when Te Whanga provided for its people. 

Te Komiti Muriwai o te Whanga

The purpose of Te Komiti is to promote the protection and enhancement of the environmental, economic, social, spiritual, historical and cultural values of Te Muriwai o te Whanga for present and future generations.


Te Komiti has representatives from Mana Ahuriri, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and the Department of Conservation.

Building Strong Partnerships

Collaborating for Community Success

Te Komiti partners have committed to a series of initiatives in line with the Rautaki of Te Muriwai o Te Whanga. These initiatives sit under each Pou in ‘focus areas’. Each focus area has a long-term indicator of success. These indicators provide a reference check to ensure current and future mahi continues to achieve the outcomes and overall vision outlined in the Rautaki.

The functions of Te Komiti

Ngā kaitiaki o Te Whanga

Te Komiti is tasked with several crucial responsibilities aimed at ensuring the health and wellbeing of Te Muriwai o Te Whanga. These functions collectively reflect a comprehensive approach to the sustainable management and protection of Te Muriwai o Te Whanga, involving collaboration with various stakeholders and a focus on community engagement and well-being.

Te Muriwai o Te Whanga Plan

A plan is used to record and share a collective vision. It articulates a series of steps to deliver this vision. The Te Muriwai o Te Whanga Plan (the Plan) outlines values, objectives, outcomes, indicators, and initiatives required to achieve the desired vision.

“It is the vision of hapū that when they look over Te Pamū (the farm) and the wider Ahuriri Estuary that their eyes meet the sight of blooming kōwhai lining the main channel, and the streams, and waterways that flow into it. This will be a sign that the mauri of Te Whanganui-a-Orotu is restored.”

“This plan reflects our collective commitment to being kaitiaki and safeguarding the environmental, cultural and historical values of this wāhi taonga”

Ko rua te paia ko Te Whanga, He Kainga to te ata. He Kainga ka awatea, He Kainga ka ahiahi e Tama e i.

The storehouse that never closed is Te Whanga. A meal in the morning, at noon, in the evening. Providing sustenance for whānau and hapū in the past, present and for future generations.

“Te Komiti Muriwai o Te Whanga has committed to upholding the mana of Te Whanganui-a-Orotu through the development of this plan. What is evident is the depth of this commitment across our many partners and stakeholders in the Hawke’s Bay region in ensuring Te Whanganui-a-Orotu is treated, managed and cared for beyond the present day needs towards a thriving natural environment for many generations to come.”